
Recital This Weekend!

This weekend is the recital at MTMS! We’re so excited to see everyone – and it is important to know that weather will not cancel this event. Prepare to be outside for good weather and to hear more details if the forecast changes. It’s going to be hot.

For our excited version – we’re going to have this recital outdoors. There will be games and activities. Be prepared for the heat- it might be above 90 degrees. Beach volleyball and beach bingo will be on the list of activities. Be ready to play dolphin ring toss and horseshoes. There will be prizes and a craft, too.

If you haven’t heard from MTMS by tomorrow, please contact us about your recital time. Practice and be ready for all the fun.

Welcome Abigail Voigt!

Michelle Tuesday Music School welcomes new receptionist Abigail Voigt to our staff. Abigail shares our love of music, starting with piano in childhood. She’s also been involved with her church choir and youth vocal instruction.

Abigail’s experience with music and teaching elementary school makes her a perfect fit for a point of contact within MTMS. She knows how things are supposed to work and she will be ready to communicate with everyone needed to keep all of us working together well.

Welcome Jessica Dalrymple!

New Lab Attendant Jessica Dalrymple joins Michelle Tuesday Music School. We’re very excited that she will be on our team. She went to Muskingham University and has a Bachelor’s degree in Humanities and a minor in Music, primary study was music composition and saxophone.

She participated in Sigma Alpha Iota, a women’s music honorary. Performed in multiple ensembles including chamber ensembles like saxophone quartets, woodwind choirs, Concert Choir, Coshocton Community Choir, the Muskingum Wind Ensemble, and Muskingum Valley Symphonic Winds, as well as I volunteer for the Cardinal Chorale. The Cardinal Chorale is a summer music workshop preparing young singers to perform vocal repertoire throughout the year.

Jessica also works as an EMT-Basic/Transport Driver for Nationwide Children’s Hospital. (Driving the Mobile Intensive Care Unit and providing supplemental health care to assist with team duties.)

Welcome, Jessica! We can’t wait to get to know you better.

August Themes!

Music history: Since our recital this month is beach themed we decided to make all of our stations go along with that. For Music History that ended up being Caribbean music! Read all about the types and origin of Caribbean music and listen to some popular songs. We even talk about the most popular Caribbean instrument. As always ask a lab attendant for more information.

Composition: To coincide with our recital theme we decided to make the composition station about surf rock! Try writing some of your own beach music! Maybe imagine yourself on a beach. (I’m pretty sure that’s what our composition team did!). Listen to some popular songs from The Beach Boys, Dick Dame, and the Ventures Hawaii 5 O, as inspiration. We even have an advanced challenge involving chords if you’re brave enough to try it. As always ask a lab attendant for more information!

Young students: For young students this month we have our usual coloring pages, this time with a summer theme. Students practice their note types by coloring in the page by the type of note in each space. We also have a new cool summer themed game. Students can make a song by drawing shapes on an island. The shapes make different noises so you can make they can make their own song. Ask a lab attendant for more information!

July Themes

Composition Theme: For July we covered Disco! July 12, 1979 is widely recognized as the day disco died, so for the month we brought it back. Listen to some famous disco songs and try some of your own. We even have some advanced challenges for anyone brave enough to try them!

Music History: This month we talked Disco! We recognized the day that disco died – and we brought it back to listen to famous artists and read about their history. Feel free to ask the lab attendant to learn more.

For Young Students: We have a new website for PBS Music Games! Play games about the fan favorite characters from PBS! We also have July Coloring pages about summer and Fourth of July. As always, our coloring pages are directed at children 6 and younger and tie into our music lessons.

Did you know coloring pages are really good for kids on their own? They improve fine motor skills, contribute to better handwriting, and prepare them for school. Coloring pages stimulate creativity as well as color awareness, recognition, and discernment. These exercises allow children to learn boundaries, structure, and spatial awareness. The pages improve hand eye coordination and focus, plus confidence and self-esteem. This is also about stress relief, therapy, and self-expression. While we always choose something related to music at MTMS, it is also good to know that these are good for the youngest students in so many other ways that will be great for their development and education!