Music history: Since our recital this month is beach themed we decided to make all of our stations go along with that. For Music History that ended up being Caribbean music! Read all about the types and origin of Caribbean music and listen to some popular songs. We even talk about the most popular Caribbean instrument. As always ask a lab attendant for more information.
Composition: To coincide with our recital theme we decided to make the composition station about surf rock! Try writing some of your own beach music! Maybe imagine yourself on a beach. (I’m pretty sure that’s what our composition team did!). Listen to some popular songs from The Beach Boys, Dick Dame, and the Ventures Hawaii 5 O, as inspiration. We even have an advanced challenge involving chords if you’re brave enough to try it. As always ask a lab attendant for more information!
Young students: For young students this month we have our usual coloring pages, this time with a summer theme. Students practice their note types by coloring in the page by the type of note in each space. We also have a new cool summer themed game. Students can make a song by drawing shapes on an island. The shapes make different noises so you can make they can make their own song. Ask a lab attendant for more information!