Playing Music at Events

Whether it’s a wedding or a funeral, a birthday or an anniversary, your student (or another student, if you prefer a specific piece or a type of instrument that your child isn’t into) may play at all sorts of events.

I know many times we ask the venue to hire someone, but never forget that there are opportunities for your student to share their music in different ways and at different times. Music is something that binds all of us together, and a small, intimate event might be the perfect spot to shine.

Other events might include religious gatherings, school events, or street fairs.

Once, in college, my friends and I couldn’t figure out the three-piece band in the elevator, but the paper picked it up as Elevator Music. They played with you to your destination. It was cute and fun, but acoustic instruments took up half the elevator. Music belongs everywhere and anywhere, and don’t be afraid to share your talents and skills with your community.

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