Music Technology & Learning Lab

At Michelle Tuesday Music School, all of our lessons include weekly sessions in the Music Technology & Learning Lab under the guidance of a music theory teacher. Lab activities include, but are not limited to:

  • Music History Station
  • Listening Station
  • Composition & songwriting
  • Recording
  • Midi keyboards and a midi drum set
  • Aural (ear) training programs and games
  • Rhythm training programs and games
  • Music theory programs and games

“Thank you for the opportunity you offer the Adult students to use the music lab. I really appreciate the hour I spend there with the help of Emily. Truly Emily has the patience of a saint as I am a music “virgin” and need repeated explanation before I understand some of the lessons. I hope many adult students are using the lab and want to encourage the others to try it out.” – Concepta

Students absorb information better when they get it in a variety of ways. For example, students who hear information in a classroom lecture after reading it in a book are more likely to remember it. Students who see pictures or demonstrations remember information better than those who only hear the teacher saying it. Students who actively “do” – for example, practicing a musical instrument – are more likely to remember how.

“Because of the skills Rebekah has learned in theory lab she has been able to ‘teach’ classmates in her 5th grade music class. Her music teacher is very impressed with her knowledge. I can’t say enough about how much I love this music school and I refer people whenever I can.” – Alisha

The Music Lab teachers are music theory experts.
They’ll help you or your child do their assignments and keep track of learning.

“Trin realizes now what the music lab did for her now that she’s in High School choir and they get graded on reading notes!” – Jessica

At MTMS, all of our private music lessons include time in our Music Technology & Learning Lab. The lab features age-appropriate apps, games and the latest tech. Teen and adult students can schedule unlimited lab time whenever we have a lab teacher on duty.

“I have been a student at Michelle Tuesday Music School for a year and a half, even before it opened in the studio in Gahanna! I have advanced so far…I can only remember where I started, singing Beauty and the Beast and playing simple finger exercises to singing advanced musical theater and expanding my territory with pop and opera and playing Beethoven. I have been here so long, and I’ve loved every minute of it. I look at myself now compared to a year and a half ago and I am amazed by the advances I’ve made, not only in music but in theory. I love this place and my journey has only just started. I have so much more to learn and am so eager to advance, I love my teachers and look forward to the bright future in music they have promised me.” – Ashley