MTMS 15th Anniversary

What? Can you believe it’s been fifteen years? It’s a little hard to say, but wow have we come a long way in that time. To celebrate, we’re having an Open House on January 11 from 3-5pm.

MTMS is excited to be opening up the house for everyone. We’ve scheduled a raffle with great prizes, live music from staff and students, as well as activities and tours of our space.

Tickets for the raffle will be handed out to everyone who walks in the door – even babies. Signing up with reception gets more tickets and even more will be available for purchase. Prizes include a grand prize of one year of lessons at 2010 prices as well as free trial lessons, free one-month samplers, MTMS shirts and music books.

Live music from the staff and students will be a lovely background and a tribute to our commitment to music. Enjoy their skills and their passion for their instruments while you peruse our office.

If you enroll and pay during the event, you get $15 off every month for your first year of lessons. It’s a pretty amazing deal. Plus you’d get raffle tickets and the opportunity to play fun games and hear great music. The possibilities are endless. Can’t wait to see you there!

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