Rock Around the Clock by Bill Haley and His Comets was the first famous rock and roll song, released in 1954. Rock existed before; it existed as African American blues and added speed and electricity, and then bass and drums. It became a new genre and caught on quickly with African American and then white musicians, too.
There are many options in the lab to learn about rock’n’roll for MTMS students. We have a slide show of musical history about rock’n’roll, there’s an active listening station with a great playlist to discover new music, and there are templates in Noteflight to create your own rock’n’roll. This is also a great time to bring it to your teacher’s attention that you want to learn to play one or more of these rock’n’roll songs, whether it’s one from the playlist or something you discovered on your own time.
Rock’n’roll is our lab focus in December. We can’t wait to see what all of our students do with this fun genre.