Sapphire Blaze to perform at Red White and Boom!

Our very own Sapphire Blaze, students of Michelle Tuesday Music School, are scheduled to perform at Red White and Boom! in downtown Columbus.

Sapphire Blaze is comprised of students ranging in age from 11 to 15. The group covers a variety of popular songs by Taylor Swift, Alicia Keys, Journey, Katy Perry, and more.

The festivities begin at Children’s Park, between Long and Spring Streets, at noon on Friday, July 2nd. Sapphire Blaze performs at 1:00. Parking is available at the Arena Grand Garage, at Belle & Broad (by COSI), at Neil & Hocking, or any of the area surface lots.

We’ll see you there, Columbus!

How do you get your music? 6 Free Music Links and More!

virginia lottery

Many free online resources offer music for your listening enjoyment, far beyond iTunes and YouTube. Some of them require subscriptions, but all of them have great information and, more than likely, at least one track you have never heard. Broaden your musical interests with something new. Continue reading “How do you get your music? 6 Free Music Links and More!”

Repetitive Stress Injuries for Musicians


Musicians of all types are affected by long playing times, and can be subject to repetitive stress injuries. Ergonomics, the science of designing equipment for human use to reduce injury, can be applied to musicians as well as office workers. Continue reading “Repetitive Stress Injuries for Musicians”

Gigs and MacGyver

What does MacGyver have to do with music performance? Everything. If you’ve ever had a gig, you know that nothing ever, ever goes right. You plug everything in to the amplifier or sound board, and for a reason that you can’t identify in the ten seconds you have before the gig is supposed to start, no sound comes out. Your keyboard stand breaks. Your cymbal hardware breaks. Even worse, your throne breaks while you’re drumming. (Ouch.) Continue reading “Gigs and MacGyver”